Don't know how long it's been since my last post, i just know it's been far too long. So how has my weight journey gone since my last post? Well let's just say that before my last post i was completely familiar with eating on plan, and since my last post I'm completely familiar with eating off plan, to disastrous levels! In truth I managed to gain all of the weight I originally lost. But, and by this point it's a huge butt, ( see what I did there?) I kept on going to class, because if I hadn't I would have gained so much more than what I originally lost, with possibly dire consequences.
I've had losses and gains, more losses, more gains and it's gone on pretty consistently like that really. Sometimes i have felt right on it, in the zone, other times its felt like I haven't got the foggiest what I was doing.
So now I'm 3 years down the line from where I started with a total weight loss that doesn't warrant talking about, but compared to the possible alternative I'll take it.
So let's come up to date. Last week I had a 1lb loss. Hadn't eaten particularly well but just well enough to get a loss. My usual consultant was on a short break so our stand in consultant, a complete fruit loop (love you really Paula ) was in attendance. Now how many of you will admit that you have sat in class on at least one occasion and had everything simply wash over you, like the lights are on but nobody is at home. I have. But for some reason last week was different.
Bananas. I like bananas. Apparently our stand in consultant does too. Bananas are what she was talking about. More specifically it was the fact the she liked lots of them. But, yes another huge butt!, while they are free they aren't a speed food and so her weight losses were relatively slow. Funny that, I like bananas, more than 1, and my weight losses are slow. 1lb per week slow. Don't get me wrong there were many reasons for a 1lb loss, this was more about the speed food.
Checking through the book at the stuff I tended to eat, and very little of it was speed food. Hmmm. Could I make enough changes to have a sizeable effect on my weight loss for this week? So that's what I set out to do. As much speed or superspeed food as possible with every meal, and for snacks in between.
The result? A 9 lb loss! Oh yeah. Rocked it this week! Posted a really simply tweet.
'@SlimmingWorld Last week 1 lb off. Hit the speed and #superspeed this week, 9 lb off. Thanks Slimming World.'
It went nuts. Within seconds Slimming World had retweeted it, then consultants, then members, then everyone was favouriting it. Then everyone was replying to it to get my food diary for the week. My consultant had been after one of them from me for years so there's little chance of that.
But I thought I would resurrect this blog as a way to try and remember what meals I have eaten and then share this.
Egg, chips and mushy peas
Add some onion and mushroom for extra speed
Omelette and beans
Load the omelette with onions, peppers, mushrooms and courgettes. Nice for breakfast.
Pulled pork and wedges
Add speed veg. Replace bun or tortilla with Aramanth (Chinese leaf), a speed food itself
Pasta bake
Loaded with speed veg and chopped tomatoes as the sauce base
Jacket Potato
Top with beans or tuna & sweetcorn to add speed food to it.
Add things like pickled onion and/or beetroot to a meal for more speed food.
Replacing bananas and grapes with strawberries, satsumas, pineapple etc.
Basically every single meal had some element that was speed or superspeed. And it made all the difference.
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